Dr. Nart Bajj
VP Wireless Access Network



Dr. Nart Bajj is the VP of Wireless Access Network at Boingo Wireless Inc.

Specializing in private and operator neutral host wireless networks.

For the past 25 years, Nart has been working in the telecommunications industry in various leadership roles in North America. His focus has been the design and deployment of Cellular 4G and 5G networks, shared converged infrastructure, and disaggregated architectures. Currently, he is responsible for delivering private 4G and 5G networks for enterprise verticals as well as shared coverage solutions for mobile network operators in the United States.

Nart has been involved in several telecom working groups and currently chairs the Deployment and Operation Working Group (DOWG) at the OnGo Alliance in the United States, delivering private 4G and 5G wireless network guides to industry verticals.

Nart holds a PhD in Telecom and Wireless from the University of Manchester, a master’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Manchester, and a bachelor’s in Telecommunications from the University of Bath in the UK.




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